Setting up CPanel by using Centos 7

In this article we are gonna research how to set up CPanel by using Centos 7. Cpanel is a panel that is easy to use, especially if you are a user. As we did in setting up DirectAdmin we are using Terminal.  Connect your server with ssh root@ (yourip).  Sometimes learners can use one ip for setting up a lot of panels. If you are a user you might see a warning like this.


If you see something like this you should write:

rm -rf /Users/imac/.ssh/known_hosts

It will delete the old files and helps you continue your process.

After this you should enable selinux and firewall as always, if you do not know how to do it go check this article's first part.

Now you should update with this command:

yum update -y

And add perl extension

yum update perl

Now you can start the setting up part. This might take a while.

cd /home && curl -o latest -L && sh latest

After you done with your setting up part you can write your ip with :2083 port to reach your panel.

The most basic things that you can do in a panel is adding new domain, mail adress and a database. If you learn this things it will help you explore the panel.

Adding a New E-mail Address:

 You can see the e-mail category in CPanel's home page. Click e-mail accounts.


After clicking create you will see a page like this:

Fill the blanks with your informations and create. That's all.

 Creating a New Database:

Go back to the home page and find Databases category. Choose MySQL Database Wizard.

Follow the steps by filling the blanks.

In this step, do not forget to choose every section.

At this stage, your new database has been set.

To see it, go back to the main page of cPanel and click on MySQL Databases.